Mathethon Information For Parents
Study Ladder Mathethon is a maths awareness and fundraising event, run and organised by your children's school. The aim of the event is to raise money for the school and to help children learn their number skills, while getting excited about mathematics.
- The event is entirely managed within the school.
- All money raised goes to the school.
Children can practise Mathethon at home at anytime to help improve their speed and accuracy in number skills with the aim of answering as many questions correctly in 2 minutes. Visit to practise.
- Children can practise MATHETHON at anytime for free.
- NO REGISTRATION is required
If your child's school is operating a Mathethon here is what to expect...
- Participating schools will send a sponsorship form and a letter home to parents
- Children are sponsored for the number of questions they can answer correctly in a two minute period on the Mathethon day.
- The school usually allows students a few weeks to practise and raise sponsors
- To help your child to achieve good results and to get excited about mathematics during the Mathethon we have supplied free practise activities to use at home.
- Prior to the Mathethon day the sponsorship forms are collected by the school
- The teacher will get all participating children to undertake a two minute Mathethon drill in class with the goal to answer as many correct answers as possible. Each child's results are then entered on their sponsorship forms which are then sent home to parents to collect and return to school.
For more information about the timeline for the event, contact your child's school.
Expected results:Students results may vary greatly. However, it is estimated that most will achieve a score of between 20 to 50 correct responses in two minutes. The maximum amount for a speedy mathematician is about 100 correct responses. You'll get a good guide of how many correct responses your child can achieve by watching them practising here at home.